What’s new in Release 1.9.2
New features and improvements:
Functions for copying and pasting test cases and projects
- Until now, test cases could only be copied within the same test project. From this version on, test cases can also be copied from one test project to another. This makes it possible, for example, to use single or multiple test cases from a previous project in the current project.
- Projects can now also be imported completely into a new project. This allows e.g. to create archive copies from time to time, which preserve the frozen state of a test project at a certain point in time. In addition, a whole project can be used as a template for a new test project. Everything is copied, including the test concept, structure, test cases and, if desired, also the data of the “Test Execution (Test Sets)” module and the test results.
- In addition, testmate now offers the option of exporting test cases individually or collectively as xml files and importing them again at any point. This allows, for example, test cases to be exchanged between users and shared with support. In addition, test case archives can be created locally in your company.
Easier editing of test cases from the “Test Execution” module:
- Now you can double-click on the logical test case to jump directly to its view and editing in the “Test Case Design” module.
Improved display of attached documents and defects to test cases in the Runner.
- Attachments are now also displayed in the Runner at both the logical and concrete test case test step level.
- The defect ID can be created directly from a test case run. When clicking on the “bug” icon in the Runner, a new line “Defect-ID” appears in which a defect number can be entered directly. This links the faulty test step (and its execution) to the “ID” in the test tool used.
In addition, some errors have been corrected, thus once again improving stability and performance.