What’s new in Release 2.3.1
New features and improvements:
Test case design:
Test cases (both logical and concrete test cases) referenced in the Test Execution module are retained in the Test Case Design module after deletion, if desired. in the Test Case Design module. In this case, they will be displayed there as crossed out.
This way, the previous test execution results for these test cases remain visible, even though the test case no longer exists.
Faster navigation/jump between concrete test cases and test sets:
From a concrete test case, it is now possible to navigate directly to the test set containing the test case via the “Go to test set” button or via the corresponding context menu.
Clicking on this button or the corresponding context menu opens a tree view with all test sets (in their respective hierarchy) that contain this specific test case.
that contain this specific test case.
Here, the test set to be displayed can be selected and navigated to via double-click or context menu.
Saving the individual display
The state of the tree structure (collapsed or expanded state of each tree node) is now stored user-specifically for all modules.
In addition, the selected column widths of the concrete test cases in the Test Case Design module are saved per user.
Further improvements
The following points have also been optimized as part of the continuous improvement process:
- Enhancements in interaction with Jira (issue type selection).
- In the Test Case Design module, the initial priority of a test case is now automatically determined based on the combination of risk and complexity of a test object.
- In the Test Case Design module, the activation status of specific test steps is displayed in a clearer way (more meaningful icons, more intuitive operation).
- In the Test Execution module, the complete hierarchy path of a test set is displayed in the “Search” tab.
- In addition, bugs have been fixed to further improve stability and usability.